Powers Neon and
TinKat Studio

Neon and Visual Art
Enhance your Living Area with Designs in Light.
Whether it be a simple 'phrase' mounted to your wall,
Personalizing your Home Bar
or adding more 'pizazz' to your Garage or Man Cave,
our Artist can create a 'one of a kind' Visual Art piece in whatever theme you desire
Advertise your Business with Neon and Light Up your Brand.
Bring in your Logo and we can design a sign that will compliment your product or special event.
Browse through our Menu to see some of our work and when your ready Click the 'Contact' tab and let us know if we can be of service.
Enjoy your day,
Mark, Sam and Carlos
190 E. Harrison St. Unit A Corona, Ca 92879
email: tinkatstudio@gmail.com
text: 909-856-6553
You can also visit Carlos's instagram at oilandgasolene